Your regional Datwyler contacts
We are a stable partner for long-term cooperation that guarantees first-class quality, worldwide just-in-time deliveries and rapid availability.
Contacts nearby
Based on your location we can provide you with relevant contacts.
Dätwyler IT Infra GmbH
Auf der Roos 4-12
65795 Hattersheim
Germany - +49 6190 8880-0
- +49 6190 8880-80
Dätwyler IT Infra GmbH
Ludwigstraße 47
85399 Hallbergmoos
Germany - +49 811 998633-0
- +49 811 998633-30

FUPA LIFT - Fupa Asonsör Ins.
Distributor of Datwyler elevator cables
Demirciler Mah.
Makine İhtisas Organize Sanayi Bölgesi 5.Cad. No:37/1
41455 Istanbul/
Turkey - +90 262 5040000-09
- +90 262 5040010

iDaC Solutions Ltd.
Unit B Omega Enterprise Park
Electron Way
Chandlers Ford
SO53 4SE
United Kingdom - +442380279999
- +442380279998
Dätwyler IT Infra AG
Gotthardstrasse 31
6460 Altdorf
Switzerland - +41 41 875-1268
- +41 41 875-1870
Dätwyler IT Infra SA
Showroom Suisse romande
1110 Morges
Switzerland - +41 41 875-1268
- +41 41 875-1870
Datwyler IT Infra Spain, S.L.
Rambla Catalunya 121, 4º 2ª, Esc. Izq.
08008 Barcelona
Datwyler IT Infra
Palmera Building, Office 18, 2nd floor
Prince Abdulaziz Bin Musaid Ibn Jalawi St.
Al Sulaymaniyah District
Riyadh 12223
Saudi Arabia -
Dätwyler IT Infra GmbH
Niederlassung Österreich
Liebermannstraße A02 403
2345 Brunn am Gebirge
Austria - +43 1 8101641-0
- +43 1 8101641-35
Datwyler IT Infra Pte. Ltd.
2 Venture Drive
Vision Exchange #19-15/16/17
Singapore 608526
Singapore - +65 68631166
- +65 68978885
Datwyler Middle East FZE
LB 15, Office 210
Jabel Ali Free Zone
P.O. Box 263480
United Arab Emirates - +971 4 4228129
- +971 4 4228096
Datwyler IT Infra Solutions LLC
Unit 1003–1005, 10th Floor, IB Tower
Business Bay
United Arab Emirates - +971 4 4228129
- +971 4 4228096
Jiangsu Province
China - +86 512 3306-8066
- +86 512 3306-8049
Datwyler IT Infra S.r.l.
Registered office
Via dei Campi della Rienza, 30
39031 Brunico (BZ)
Italy -
Datwyler IT Infra S.r.l.
Operations headquarters
ComoNExT – Innovation Hub
Via Cavour, 2
22074 Lomazzo (CO)
Italy - +39 02 36714.120
Datwyler IT Infra s.r.o.
Folknářská 1246/21
405 02 Decin

Policabos S.A.
Av. Pedro Álvares Cabral 2
Lugar da Capa Rota
2710-144 Sintra
Portugal - +351219178640
- +351219178649

Distributor of Datwyler data network products
Perpa Ticaret Merkezi, B-Blok, 2.Kat, No: 27
34384 Okmeydani - Istanbul/
Turkey - +90 212 2218060
Urania Kraus
External Sales zip code 40, 41, 42, 47, 50, 51, 52, 53
- +496190888024
- +4917618181664
- +496190888080
Harald Lindner
External Sales zip code 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99
- +498119986330
- +4917618181667
- +4981199863365
Andreas Weng
External Sales zip code 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 87, 88, 89
- +4917618181660
- +496190888080
Olaf Sieper
External Sales zip code 32, 33, 44, 45, 46, 48, 49, 58, 59
- +496190888067
- +4917618181697
- +496190888080
Emil Josef Reichmann
Key Account Manager / External Sales zip code 34, 35, 36, 37, 54, 55, 56, 57, 60, 61, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69
- +496190888070
- +4917618181670
- +496190888080
Carolin Schramm
External Sales zip code 01, 02, 03, 04, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 38, 39
- +4915122122244
- +496190888080
Gerrit Fiedler
External Sales zip code 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31
- +4915120535523
- +496190888080
Alexander Kölbel
Solution Engineer / Product Data Specialist
- +496190888040
- +4917618181602
- +496190888080
Juliane Safran
Global Head of People and Organisation Development
- +496190888025
- +4915155166652
- +496190888080
Oliver Wunderlich
Managing Director / Head of Sales Europe
- +496190888011
- +4917618181616
- +496190888080

Automation-Elektro Kreutzpointner - AEK - GmbH
Am St.-Niclas-Schacht 7
09599 Freiberg
Germany - +49373178790
- +493731787928

7 Filip Kutev str.
кв. Хладилника
ул Филип Кутев 7
1407 Sofia / София
Bulgaria - +359887444666
- +35929622262
- +35929697075

Bachner Elektro GmbH & Co. KG
Niederlassung Oberschleißheim
Sonnenstraße 19
85764 Oberschleißheim
Germany - +49895404270