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Datwyler joined SPE System Alliance

Manufacturers work together

21 April 2020

Csm News 2020 04 SPE System Alliance en 01 cccf82db75

Single Pair Ethernet (SPE) provides the unique opportunity of combining the good characteristics of two worlds – TCP/IP and bus systems. For the first time SPE makes it possible to perform all the communication tasks arising within a building in a logical way, namely using only one protocol.

Datwyler is instrumental in helping to drive forward the technological development of SPE in non-residential buildings. In common with other companies – Weidmüller, Phoenix Contact, Sick, Microchip, Reichle & De-Massari, Fluke Networks and many more – there is already a lively exchange of technology information with the aim of refining single-pair Ethernet technology and finding the very best solutions for Industry 4.0, IoT and intelligent non-residential buildings.

All the companies involved in the SPE System Alliance are convinced that SPE will revolutionise the possibilities and transparency of communication at field level.

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