Office building
Data centre
Cabling solutions for the Munich Archiepiscopal Ordinariate
Datwyler cabling systems are used in the new central premises and three data centres of Munich’s Archiepiscopal Ordinariate. The structured building cabling in the new office building provides at least two high-performance RJ45 connections at each of over 400 workstations. A total of around 130 kilometres of Category 7A CU 7702 4P data cable and approximately 3700 RJ45 KS-T Plus 1/8 Cat.6A modules were installed. The fibre optic cabling which interconnects the three data centre sites comprises over 230 kilometres of FO Universal cable, some of which Datwyler delivered preassembled, and around 50 splice boxes equipped ex works with OM3 and OM4 LCD couplers.