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"Datwyler Data Centre Solution" for new Swisscom data centre

24 February 2015

Csm Swisscom Datacenter Collage bc4ed75449

Swisscom operates one of Europe’s most modern and efficient data centres in the Bern-Wankdorf Business Park. The "Datwyler Data Centre Solution" was selected for the high speed fibre optic links.

The new Swisscom data centre (DC) in Bern-Wankdorf, which represents a Swisscom investment of around 60 million Swiss francs and was under construction for two years, opened in September 2014 and was fully operational by the end of the year. The DC currently occupies 4,000 square metres of usable space on four floors, with room for expansion as required, and houses approximately 5,000 servers with around 10,000 customer systems. It is one of the very few in Europe to have Tier IV certification guaranteeing optimum availability of data and systems. An innovative cooling concept enables it to achieve the best possible energy usage values.

In the spring of 2013 Swisscom evaluated a comprehensive premium quality cabling solution for the high speed fibre optic links in the new data centre. The most stringent technical standards had to be met.

The "Datwyler Data Centre Solution" was selected. All the fibre optic links were executed with preassembled cables and system components from Datwyler. Altogether around 90 kilometres of fibre optic cable were laid using the highest-performance OM4 multimode and OS2 single-mode fibres.

The racks were fitted with around 3000 FO DCS plug-in modules, each cassette with six LC quads, and 850 MTP front panels. These are interconnected by more than 1200 24- and 48-fibre MTP cables. The total length of fibre is 2273 kilometres – the same as the distance between Bern and Moscow. In addition there are other "Datwyler Data Centre Solution" system components such as special fanout cables together with many modular subracks, patch management trays and accessory parts.
