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IT security in the Internet of Things

Interview with Dr.-Ing. Michael Rademacher

December 12, 2022

Rademacher News

The smart networking of systems, processes and machinery by Internet of Things (IoT) technology brings many benefits – but also has some serious security loopholes. In an exclusive interview for our “Panorama” Dr.-Ing. Michael Rademacher of Fraunhofer FKIE explains how companies can protect their IoT devices from cyber attack.

IoT devices are popular targets because they have an Internet connection and are often inadequately protected. “This is mainly because such devices have long life cycles and their owners cannot provide automatic security updates”, explains the security expert.

The following applies to all applications: security and privacy are important criteria. “This means that companies should preferably rely on standardised procedures and protocols together with a good IT infrastructure,” says Rademacher. “But the main thing is that they take action!”

You can read the full interview in the current issue of our customer magazine “Panorama” >