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德特威勒总部管理层 · 北京行纪实
Datwyler Management Team's Beijing Tour


News 2024 07 1cn

随着夏日炎炎的热情一同到来的,是Datwyler IT Infra 总部管理层团队的2024年度首次北京之行,这不仅仅是一场跨越地域的商务旅行,更是一次深化合作、共绘蓝图的智慧碰撞。在充满活力与机遇的中国首都,每一个瞬间都见证了德特威勒团队团结一致,与合作伙伴携手并进的决心,以及对未来的无限憧憬。

As the summer heat arrives with enthusiasm, the management team of Datwyler IT Infra embarks on their first trip to Beijing. This is more than just a business journey across regions; it is a profound collaboration and a meeting of minds to chart a shared vision. In the vibrant and opportunity-filled capital of China, every moment reflects the Datwyler team’s unity, their commitment to progressing hand-in-hand with partners, and their boundless aspirations for the future.

京城聚首,共绘合作新篇章  Gathering in Beijing: Writing a New Chapter of Collaboration

炎炎夏日,京城迎来了三位尊贵的客人——Datwyler IT Infra CEO-Adrian Bolliger,CHRO-Christine Seibert,CSO-Norbert Ludwig,他们此行的第一站便是拜访北京当地长期信赖的合作伙伴,并与其进行了深度交流。茶香袅袅中,一场别开生面的会晤悄然展开。双方不仅回顾了以往合作的累累硕果,更是在友好的氛围中探讨了未来合作的新业务、新模式、新领域等热点问题。这不仅仅是对过去成就的肯定,更是对未来合作潜力的无限展望。

During the scorching summer days, Beijing welcomed three esteemed guests: Datwyler IT Infra CEO Adrian Bolliger, CHRO Christine Seibert, and CSO Norbert Ludwig. Their first stop was at local trusted long-term partner, where they engaged in in-depth discussions with them. Amid the lingering fragrance of tea, a unique meeting quietly unfolded. Both parties not only reviewed the fruitful results of their past collaborations but also explored new business opportunities, models, and fields for future cooperation in a friendly atmosphere. This meeting was not just a recognition of past achievements but also an optimistic outlook on the limitless potential for future partnerships.

高瞻远瞩,北京办共谋战略新局  Visionary Planning: Strategic Meeting at Beijing Office


Following this, the CEO visited Datwyler’s Beijing office to join team members for a strategic meeting themed "Visionary Planning: Shaping the Future." During this intellectual gathering, the CEO shared industry insights from a global perspective and offered forward-looking ideas on advancing new business development, optimizing product lines, and enhancing service quality in the Chinese market. The team members actively engaged, sparking a flurry of creative ideas and collectively drawing up ambitious plans for the company’s growth. This meeting laid a solid foundation for Datwyler’s deeper cultivation and success in the Chinese market.

情聚餐桌,共享京城夏日温情  Shared Moments at the Table: Embracing the Warmth of a Beijing Summer


Amid the busy schedule, a touch of warmth and human connection was not forgotten. The CEO arranged a friendly dinner with the Beijing office colleagues at a restaurant rich in Beijing's cultural flavor. The evening was filled with delicious food and laughter, creating a relaxed atmosphere that brought everyone closer together. This dinner was not only a gesture of gratitude for the team's hard work but also a profound reflection of the Datwyler family spirit. Everyone felt a sense of warmth and belonging, and this cohesion will be the driving force propelling Datwyler forward.