德特威勒与 Envio
Partnership for building management solutions
通过对建筑参数的不断测量和分析,德特威勒和 Envio 在室内气候、能源消耗和环境足迹方面为房东和租户创造了一个有吸引力的环境。
At the request of tenants or landlords Datwyler can also connect the Envio system with sensors to monitor indoor climatic conditions, electricity meters or major consumers. With the assistance of our partner’s experts these are integrated in the monitoring system and a comprehensive solution is implemented on site. Datwyler ensures that the IT infrastructure, including the Internet connection, meets the application’s requirements.
The users of this solution receive a Smart Building Monitoring Dashboard which displays the current status of all the equipment. On this they can access the Web from any location, compile specific reports, and introduce measures to improve the ambient air and indoor climate or reduce energy consumption. The data also gives them information on optimising the maintenance cycles and costs of the building’s technical installations.
For more information, please use our contact form. Please mention “Building management solutions (Envio)” in your message to us. We will get back to you as soon as possible
应租户或房东的要求,德特威勒还可以将 Envio 系统与传感器连接,以监控室内气候条件、电表或主要消费使用者。 在我们合作伙伴专家的帮助下,这些内容被集成到监控系统中,实施全面现场解决方案。 德特威勒确保 IT 基础设施(包括互联网连接)满足应用程序的要求。
该解决方案的用户会收到一个智能建筑监控仪表板,可显示所有设备的当前状态。 在此基础上,他们可以从任何地点访问网络,编制具体报告,并提出改善环境空气和室内气候或减少能源消耗的措施。 这些数据还为他们提供有关优化建筑物技术安装的维护周期和成本的信息。
欲了解更多信息,请使用我们的联系表。 请在给我们的信息中提及“建筑管理解决方案(Envio)”。 我们会尽快回复您